Embassy of the United States in Cuba
The U.S. Embassy is located in Havana at Calzada between L and M Streets, Vedado.
The American Citizen Services Unit can be reached by dialing (53)(7) 839-4100 during business hours, except Cuban and U.S. federal holidays. Our fax number is (53)(7) 839-4247. For general inquiries regarding U.S. passports and citizenship, or other American citizen issues please contact us via e-mail at ACSHavana@state.gov or at the numbers listed above. Please, do not write to the American Citizen Services Unit with questions relating to visas for Cuban applicants.
The U.S. Embassy is located in Havana at Calzada between L and M Streets, Vedado.
For emergencies involving American Citizens when the American Citizen Services Unit is closed or after hours (for U.S. Citizens only), please call the main switchboard at (+53)(7) 839-4100 and dial 1 to speak with the emergency operator.
More emergency information is available from the Department of State, Washington DC at http://www.travel.state.gov/
Embassy of Cuba in the United States
2630 16th St NW
Washington, DC 20009
The information below may not be completely accurate. If you know of any errors or omissions or have any additional information, please send us an email link found on the bottom of the web page “contact us”.